The Twelve Days of Christmas in Under a Minute
peartree partridge merry merry
turtle3 turtle1B turtle1A turtle2
turtle3 turtle1B turtle1A turtle2
french3 french3 french3 french1
french4 french4 french4
french3 french3 french3
calling1 calling2 calling3 calling4 calling5
ring1 ring3 ring2
geese2 geese4 geese4 geese4 geese4 geese4 geese4 geese1 geese3 geese3 geese3 geese3 geese3 geese3
swan2 swan1
swan2 swan1
swan2 swan1
swan2 swan1
swan2 swan1
swan2 swan1
swan5 swan1
key1 maids2 maids2 maids1
key2 ladies1 ladies2 ladies2
lords3 key1 lords1
lords3 key1 lords1
lords3 key1 lords1
lords3 key1 lords1
lords3 key1 lords1
key2 pipers3 pipers3 pipers1 pipers2
key1 drummers3 drummers2 drummers1 drummers4 drummers4 drummers4 drummers4 drummers4 drummers4 drummers4 drummers4 drummers5 drummers5 drummers5 drummers5 drummers5 drummers5 drummers5 drummers5
boxback2 boxback boxfront2 boxfront boxlid

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