Book Illustrations
I give you four packets of illustrations I did back in the early 1990s for a series of four books intended to be aids to writers, if I’m not mistaken. Though why any writer would think, “What I need to punch up my prose is a hefty sprinkling of corporate slogans,” is beyond me. “Are these books still in print?” I imagine the reader asking. For the answer, see the last page of Falser than a Weeping Crocodile etc. Since it’s unlikely you’ll ever stumble across any of these titles anywhere outside your dustiest used book shop, I’ve reproduced nine of the best pics from each in fancy-schmancy page-turning format below. While the astute viewer scrolling down the page might see the art as getting progressively worse, since the books are presented newest (top) to oldest (bottom) I’d say it was getting progressively better.
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To browse book, click on the pages
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