2023 July-December
2023 Rearview Review Rerun
“Oh dear. Looks like your father has brought
work home with him again.”
Why is this gag cartoon again, you ask. Because it was bought and published by Reader’s Digest in October, I answer. That makes it a highlight to me, at any rate.
First filed in Gag Cartoonery 3/17/23
“You’re going to have to deal with these harassment complaints, Georgie. You can’t just run away.”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 12/15/23
“You know,
Mr. Poppinfresh, a low-carb diet isn’t
ideal for everyone.”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 12/11/23
I stumbled upon this list in the filed for later (much later it seems) use file and am not sure which of the listed items are real Defense Department euphemisms and which are my own or somebody else’s gag inventions. Which just goes to show reality is a self-parody nowadays. However, I am 100% sure at least half of them are the real deal. Or maybe I am half sure 100% are bona fide? Whatever the case, parody or fake-but-accurate, they are the very model of modern military intelligence.
To make a game of it, what are these military polysyllabifications in comprehensible English?
Hover over list to show answers
Filed 12/4/23
“It’s a quack-quack here and a quack-quack there, here a quack,
there a quack, everywhere a quack-quack...”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 12/1/23
As Ernest Hemmingway is supposed to have said, “The first draft of anything is crap.” Which doesn’t mean the second is any good or “the third time’s the charm.” After all, “three strikes and you’re out.” The key to coming up with a memorable, pithy quote is knowing when to stop. Below are a few adages, saws, or sayings rendered less than ideal by excess verbiage tacked on the end. That’s why nobody remembers them. Or has ever heard them, really.
Top Ten Failed First Drafts of Old Clichés
I know, I know, there’s only nine of these gems and not ten as advertised, but you know what they say, “Quit while you’re ahead.” Ignoring that sage advice is the problem with all the above. Though if you quit before the game’s over you forfeit and lose, as they also tell us, “Quitters never win.” It’s like, Damned if you do and damned if you don’t and damned if you don’t know enough is enough alright already.
Filed 11/29/23
“OK, the jungle sales trip was my idea, but whose bright idea
was it to sell giant cooking pots?”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 11/17/23
“What’s the problem, sir. Those pants fit you like a glove.”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 11/17/23
Hover for question punchline
Filed 11/15/23
Filed 11/10/23
Filed 11/6/23
Weary the Cynical Dog
Filed in Weary the Cynical Dog 11/1/23
Hover on tabs for new toon panels
Filed 10/27/23
“Sorry, but some of as really ARE holier than thou.”
A cartoon and a joke that go together like, uh, two things that go together. And now, the joke:
Besides Saint Peter at the legendary pearly gates of Heaven, not as well know is Saint Elmo at the complaint desk where one recent day a disappointed newcomer grumbles, “What goes on here? Don’t I get a harp, wings and halo?”
“First, you don’t play the harp,” says the saint. “Next, only angels have wings. Lastly, you aren’t a saint, you’re just dead.”
“That’s unacceptable. I demand to see my lawyer.”
“Go to Hell.”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 10/20/23
“Sorry, Mrs. Poppinfresh, by the time the ambulance got here
he’d already lost too much creamy filling.”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 10/18/23
Filed 10/16/23
Hover for question punchline
Filed 10/11/23
A genie grants a politician three wishes.
“I wish I were the smartest person in the world,” says the pol. “I wish I were the most popular person in the world. I wish everyone agreed with my policies.”
The genie folds his arms nodding three times saying, “Done, done and done.”
The politician walks out of his office and finds there’s absolutely nobody around as far as the eye can see. “Hey, genie, where is everyone?”
“To make you the smartest person in the world required eliminating everyone smarter, which left half of the population. To make you the most popular required liquidating all more popular people. That really reduced the remaining half. Unfortunately nobody agrees with anyone on everything, so that leaves just you.”
The politician stutters, “B-b-but that’s not what I had in mind at all.”
The genie replies, “There are always unintended consequences in wishes and politics. Still, you are now the smartest, most popular person in the world and nobody disagrees with you.”
“Well then, I’ve changed my mind…”
Poof! The politician disappeared.
The moral of the story: Man who disagrees with self gets nowhere.
Filed 10/6/23
By gosh it’s the grand return of the word quiz. And by golly the return of Webio-Bot. Or maybe Webio-Bot Junior. OK, its really just some would-be jokes in word quiz form. And more! ’Cause it’s interactive, you get to click things. Woohoo!
Click on text to select or change your answer. Double-click to unselect.
Click for answers
(d) sinecure (sī′ nə kyŏŏr) a paid position requiring no work (you know, civil service job or diversity hire)
(c) cynosure (sī′ nə shŏŏr) Something that is a focal point of attention and admiration
(b) syncope (sĭn′ kə-pē) shortening of a word by omission of a middle part; i.e., bos’n for boatswain
(d) cycloid (sī′ klōĭd) resembling a circle
(a) scintilla (sĭn tĭl′-ə) minute amount, iota
Doesn’t matter. You’re a winner just for reading terrycolon.com
Click to close
Filed in What’s That Supposed to mean? 10/2/23
Hover for question punchline
Filed 9/18/23
“Funny. I don’t see you in religion. I see you…
in entertainment. I see you… juggling.”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 9/1/23
Hover to open book
Filed in The Little Read Book of Uncle Joe Squarehair 9/5/23
(Or a Short Bit Explaining Why There Was No New Content Yesterday)
Filed in Spot and Smith 8/26/23
Hover for question punchline
Filed 8/21/23
Brain Tweezers (Mit Dr. Sigmund Fraud)
Filed 8/16/23
“But why, Harvey? We’ve gone unchanged for millions of years.”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 8/14/23
Hover for question punchline
Filed 7/26/23
A pop culture gag dredged up from thirty or so years ago. I guess you have to be at least fifty to get the reference. Well, it was funny back then. Perhaps. Chalk it up to Boomer-Humor.
Filed in A Dog’s Breakfast archives 7/21/23
“You don’t have chronic heartburn. You have an
overactive warm fuzzy.”
Filed in Gag Cartoonery 7/7/23
Well, Depending on Your Point of View
And the point of view from under the bed: frightening!
Refiled from last year at this time